Tunnel Series Platform Product Solution
We will use professional thermal analysis software to design the optimal scheme for customers, then confirm the
feasibility of the theory with engineers, and then start to make samples for testing
Tunnel Series Platform Product Solution
Project Details
Medical Diagnostic systems
Medical equipmentindustry
Liquid cold plate
Thermal power type:
TEC cooling
Medical Diagnostic systems
To maintain control the Temp 4℃ to 6 ℃ of the reagents from ambient temp 23℃ to 30℃.
Old Tunnel Series Product List
-2 for AA
- 6 for DA
Old Tunnel Series product line
-Lower cooling capacities
-Some units CoP < 70%
New Goal for Tunnel Series product
-Align with cooling capacities
-expand higher capacities
The Thermal Solution
Designed requirements

Simplified model and heat source in FloTHERM
Design process
Extrusion profile Design
Extrusion tooling constraint
Series consideration, same profile / difference fan
Cooler design for both sides
Fine tune heat sink fin size during simulation
Pick up TEM module
Input thermal resistance to select best TEM
TEA design output
Design target / Mechanical design / sampling & testing
Extrusion profile Design
Extrusion Fin Design
-The Fin Ratio ≤22:1
-The Fin Thick ≥0.7mm
- Fan Gap = 0.446(L²/ΔP) (unit: mm, Pa)
Extrusion profile Design output
Width & Height : 66*60mm
Base thick: 7mm
Fin Thick: 1mm
Fin Gap: 2.7mm
Fin height: 57mm

Cooler design for both sides,Conclusion:
Per the simulation, the hot side heat sink resistance is 0.184, and cold side is 0.195

Pick up TEM Module
Conditions for TEM
Hot side resistance: 0.184
Cold side resistance: 0.195
Ambient Temp 25℃
Qc Max: 50w
CoP ≥0.7
Pick up the TEM module

TEA design output

From the perspective of this structure, the designed parameters can fully meet the customer's requirements. Generally speaking, we will ask the sample engineer to start making samples based on these data